Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Best Movie Villains of all Time

There are lots of evil villains, however it is difficult to know who deserves to be called as the "Best Villain". Of course there are several candidates, but there are also several qualifications that fans make in order to be called the "Best Villain". Its either that the villain is pure evil or is a highly intelligent mastermind. What makes this even more difficult is that there a huge variety of villains in fiction from criminals, corrupt politicians, alliens, demons, gods, etc. Anyway in short it is really difficult to say who deserve that title since there's a hge number of villains in fiction and its highly unlikely that a lot of people has seen all kinds of villains and has compared their performance and impact in the story.

So in here I would just mention a few villain in movies that are considered or was considered by many to be the Best Villain.

The Joker from The Dark Knight

Even though his comic book counterpart is also an amazing villain, Heath Ledger's Joker has been considered by many to be one of the greatest villain that they have ever seen.

This Joker is much darker than the other versions of the Joker. Unlike other versions who just wants to piss of Batman or crack jokes and be funny, this Joker really kills people in such a brutal way, he also tortures people not only physically, but also both mentally and personally. He wants to watch the world burn and wants to prove that everybody is just as crazy as he is. Unlike other versions of the Joker who wants to "make" everybody just as crazy as he is by using some sort of laughing gas or hypnotism to make others crazy. This version of the Joker believes that everyone deep down really is just as crazy as he is and he doesn't care how many people he kills in order to prove it.

Though he doesn't have any superpowers, wealth or high technology like some other villains. He did so much more compare to other villains in just a single movie. He manage to put Gotham in chaos, made them kill each other, was able to troll batman, the police and the Mafia so many times. He also gave birth to another villain in the movie, by turning Harvey Dent into Two face and he did it a few minutes where other villains has to wait years in order to corrupt someone really good.

Also the Joker basically won in the series since at the end of the movie the people of Gotham now hates him, so Joker manage to prove that the people of Gotham are also crazy. besides if you think about it there's actually no way that he could've lost in any way no matter what the outcome.

Therefore, being crazy, manipulative and infinitely versatile I think the Joker is a definite candidate to be called the "Best Villain"

Palpatine a.k.a Darth Sidious from Star Wars

Palpatine or otherwise known as Darth Sidious as his Sith name, is the main villain of the entire Star Wars Trilogya as well as its Prequels.

He is a master manipulator, the one who is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Palpatine orchestrated a war that killed trillions of lives all in order to kill his hated Jedi foes and take over the entire galaxy.

Palpatine is one of the few villains who actually succeeds in obtaining his goal, since he manage to kill the Jedi's, corrupt Annakin, and take over the galaxy through his own manipulation all while he pretends to be weak tea drinking old politician whose goal is the peace of the entire galaxy.

Palpatine is perhaps the only villain(as far as I know), who manage to fool an entire galaxy for such a long time despite the heroes efforts to unravel the mysteries behind his plans. The Jedi only a had a tiny suspicion towards him, and even in the end they wouldn't have figured it out if hadn't told it himself, and that only because its already time for his endgame. The Jedi's have already been checkmated and they didn't even know about it. Oh and as for his plan the reason that I didn't bother trying to explain it is because it would be too long and complicated.

Therefore, managing to defeat his foes, corrupt the hero of the story, deceive and took over the galaxy all through manipulation, not to mention to gloat about it. I think Palpatine is an excellent candidate to be called as the  "Best Villain".

Loki of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Loki the God if Mischief is perhaps one of the most manipulative villain of all time, having manage to deceive Asgard, The Avengers, Frost Giants, SHIELD and perhaps more others in the future.

He is currently the most recurring antagonists of the Marvel Cinematic Universe being the main antagonists of the first Thor film and The Avengers, but has a less villainous role in Thor: The Dark World.

He has still so much potencial as a villain, he is so good at manipulating others that no one can really say what's he gonna do next. He has fooled both villains and heroes already. He also makes people crazy if he still redeemable or not despite all the things he did.

Aside from being an excellent manipulator he also has quite an ego, willing to kill an entire race just to prove that he is a worthy king and enslaving all the people on Earth in order to be the King he was.

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