Sunday, February 2, 2014

My First Top Ten Villains of Anime and Mangga

10. Lelouch Vi Britannia
Though not entirely a villain and more of a Tragic Hero. Lelouch, I believe deserves to be in this lists.
Although he has good intentions, hedid some pretty despicable(and badass) things throughout the series. After obtaining a power known as Geass, which gave him the ability ability to command anyone to his will ,he takes on the identity of Zero and initiated a rebellion against Holy Empire of Britannia, the world's most dominant superpower.

The reason that I put him on this list is because, the war that he caused killed thousands if not millions of people, and he knows it yet he didn't stop. Even when he knows that his friends and family's could get involved, he still didn't stop his war. He also considers his followers as nothing more but pawns, all just because of his won personal vendetta against his father. though of course his number 10 in this least because he does care about his family and friends and tries his best to protect them throughout the series. He also eventually realized he's own immaturity and redeemed himself at the end because if not, otherwise he might have been higher on this lists.

9.Light yagami
Though he can be considered to be actually an Anti-Hero or an Tragic Hero like Lelouch, he can be considered to be the actual Big Bad of the story due to him being the mastermind behind it all(though some would argue that it’s actually Ryuk).
First of all Light Yagami is a genius, but after finding a mysterious notebook known as the Death Note which has the ability to kill anyone whose name is written on it. Light graduates from a genius into an Evil Genius. After confirming the power of the Death Note by killing two criminals, Light decided to create a new world free of crime and become its God. He decides to do this by killing every single criminal on the planet, and as you know criminals ain’t few, therefore Light killed thousands if not millions of people.
The reason that he is above lelouch is that he didn’t even tried to redeem himself at the end, he doesn’t even care about his family anymore and really considers himself to be a God, also he didn’t even bother if the criminals he killed were all truly guilty or was actually innocent, he even killed he’s very own first friend since he’s the biggest threat to his plans and never once considered letting him live. He also doesn’t care about the women who had affections for him and considers them as nothing more but tools to his plans
Cold, Ruthless and Brilliant Light Yagami deserves a spot for number 9.

8.Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha is basically the main antagonists of the entire Naruto Shippudden franchise, being the true founder of akatsuki and the one whi manipulated both pain/nagato and obito/tobi. He is also the one who formulated the Infinite Tsukoyomi Plot, where the entire world would be under his illusionary jutsu.
Like Lelouch and Light Yagami Madara actually has good intentions, he wants peace but believes there is actually no such thing, and peace can only be achieve through his illusionary world. The reason that he is above both Light and Lelouch is that he is more persistent than the two of them put together, since he is supposed to be long dead and yet manages to find a way to live up to more than probably a hundred years and when he finally died he already commenced a plan in order for him to be revived through his pawns.
Madara is also one of the most patient and calculating villains ever with his plans going through ages before its completions, and ruining countless lives along the way.

Though unlike Lelouch, Light and Madara our next contenders seems to have no interests in peace, whatsoever.

7. Yami Bakura/Zork/thief King Bakura
Yami Bakura is the most recurring antagonist of the first Yu-Gi-Oh series and since the series alone is filled with lots of evil villains, I think Bakura deserves to be in the Top 7 for outliving and outsmarting most of them.

He just never seems to go away and is always there one way or another and is willing to work with the current Big Bad in order to further his own goal, he eventually became the Final Villain of the story when it is revealed that he is actually Zork himself, the God of Darkness, yes Yami Bakura is the very embodiment of darkness. Yami Bakura’s goal throughout the series is to collect all seven millennium items, though he himself is actually not sure why at the beginning. Eventually everything became clear to him when he’s own memories as Zork finally return. After finally completing all seven millenim items and becoming Zork once more, he then switched his goal into something else and that is to destroy the world.

6. Gyouken Ren
The only reason that Ren Gyouken is number 6  is because we don't know that much about her yet, but that could very well change in the future. For now I think she deserve a mention here as number 6.


Ren Gyouken is both the current emperror of Kou Empire and leader of Al Tharmen. She became the Emperror of the Kou Empire by becoming the wife of the first and second emperor of the Kou Empire, who are brother and whom she both killed through Al Tharmen. Being the leader of the Kou Empire and Al Tharmen, she is responsible for the numerous wars caused by Kou Empire and the corruptions that are being done by Al Tharmen in different other nations including the slaughter of Judal's village as well as his corruption. She not only killed her own husbands, but also her own sons, resulting in Hakuryuu having a huge vendetta on her.
But perhaps the most surprising thing about Gyouken is that she is also a Magi. Gyouken is one of the three Magi of King Solomon, that is until she betrayed him. The details about her betrayal aren't all that clear yet, but Gyouken goal is to revive their so called "Father" which would result in the destruction of the world.
Cunning, ruthless, malicious, intelligent, powerfull and highly manipulative Gyouken, for now gets the number 6 spot in this list.

5. Juha Bach
I was very tempted to put Aizen here, but in the end I decided to put Juha Bach, the Quincy King and the current main antagonists as well probably being the final villain of the story.
The reason that I put Juha Bach here instead of Aizen is because he manage to destroy Soul Society in like only 20 chapters after he was first introduced , he also killed more lives, including Yamamoto Genryuasai, after he stole his bankai that made him powerless and then cutting him into half until he finally blasts him into atoms. He’s also the one responsible for the death of Ichigo and Ishida’s mom’s. that being said he seems to still have few more up his sleeves  and is just getting started.

4. Blackbeard
Blackbeard of the One Piece series gets the number four spot in my list of Top Anime Villains. He fooled the World Government, the supposed main antagonists of the series, he was the one responsible for killings Ace and Whitebeard, stole Whitebeards power, released the world’s most dangerous criminals, wreck havoc in Marineford and he did it all almost simultaneously while teasing the top dogs of the Marines.
He also has recently became a Yonkou and is currently wreaking havoc all over the world while stealing other Devil Fruit user’s power

3. Naraku
Naraku the main antagonists of the Inuyasha series, get the spot for number 3 in my Anime Villain Lists.

He is the Big Bad of the series and a definite Magnificent Bastard for ruining the lives of nearly every single character in the series

Heroes and villains are all victims of his treacherous and cruel plans. He makes siblings fight each other, makes curse that destroys not  only whole families but whole generations, manipulates demons, disposes of them and many more( seriously I’d like to write all his crimes but it would be too long).
Naraku is actually a bit different from most villains in that he doesn’t have any real grand ambition like taking over the world, he just want to complete the jewel and corrupt it, he plans to accomplish this by ruining countless lives and uses them to completely corrupt the jewel, though at first he want to be a full demon and when he finally became a fool demon he just wants to use it to increase his power, he finally reveal at the end that he has no real plans for the jewel after its completion aside from wanting to have kikyo,whom he killed three times, yes that’s right he killed, tortured, manipulated and ruined many lives all because he just want the damn jewel for a very simple and twisted wish, therefore he gets number three.

2. Johan Liebert
Johan Liebert the main antagonists of the Monster series, and the actual “Monster” of the series, gets the number 2 in my Anime Villains List.
Its easy to easy why he is evil, first of all unlike the others in this list, he is actually a human, therefore he has no superpowers like others and yet he still very dangerous due to his mind. All Johan have to do is talk to you, and before you know it in a few minutes you want to commit suicide, but that’s nothing since as a boy he killed an entire room of people and as an adult he’s planning an entire town all because he wants to create the Ultimate Suicide.
Having no powers and yet still fools a lot people including the police agencies, military and even the Nazi’s. Johan gets the spot of number 2.

1. Major
Major of Hellsing for me is the most evil villain of all and the number 1 in my Anime Villain Lists.
Major relishes war, destruction, chaos, torture, you name it as long as its evil he likes it. The guys does it all because he doesn’t like war, he loves it, he even has a speech about it. He even enjoys the sight of his own men being killed right before his eyes, he has an army of zombie, vampires, werewolves, supersoldiers and mad scientists, yet he’s more evil than all of them put together. As a matter of fact the supposed good guy that Major opposes is Dracula himself, yes Dracula compared to the Major is a very good guy.
Unlike some villains he actually died knowing he killed his nemesis and that he finally manage to hit someone with a gun(he’s very bad shot, and therefore can’t kill anyone personally), Major died smiling saying that it was a good war, in the end he draw he’s last breath satisfied with all the carnage he manages to caused. This in my opinion makes him the number one villain.

Honorable mentions:

Undertaker of Kuroshitsuji
Since he is currently throlling both Sebastian, Ciel and the shinigami’s all whie unleashing a horde of zombies because he just wants to see what happends after the cinematic record ends

Grifith of berserk
I believe he deserves a mentioned but I don’t know much about him, and his crimes involves rape and that personally disgusts me so maybe I wont try to know more about him, but I heard he’s really evil.

Dr. Crombel from noblesse
though actually a manhwa villain, I think he desereves a mention since he is also a magnificent bastard and a Mad Scientists.
Dr. Crombel works for a mysterious organization known as The Union, a mysterious organization that practically controls the world from behind the scenes and conducts human experiment, Crombel is one of their top scientists in human eexperiments and he loves he’s job, but that not all, although Crombel is working for The Union he is secretly trying to take it over from behind their back, he has lots of spies witihin The Union that is completely loyal to him and it appears that he’s been doing a lot from behind the scenes from such a long time already, he has recently become an Elder of The Union, the highest postion in The Union but he has no plans to share The Union with others and is currently plotting to be its sole leader all while pretending that he is just a harmless obedient scientists, he’s also quite powerfull capable of taking on Frankeinstein and coming out with nothing but a little wound in the neck.

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