Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Best Movie Villains of all Time

There are lots of evil villains, however it is difficult to know who deserves to be called as the "Best Villain". Of course there are several candidates, but there are also several qualifications that fans make in order to be called the "Best Villain". Its either that the villain is pure evil or is a highly intelligent mastermind. What makes this even more difficult is that there a huge variety of villains in fiction from criminals, corrupt politicians, alliens, demons, gods, etc. Anyway in short it is really difficult to say who deserve that title since there's a hge number of villains in fiction and its highly unlikely that a lot of people has seen all kinds of villains and has compared their performance and impact in the story.

So in here I would just mention a few villain in movies that are considered or was considered by many to be the Best Villain.

The Joker from The Dark Knight

Even though his comic book counterpart is also an amazing villain, Heath Ledger's Joker has been considered by many to be one of the greatest villain that they have ever seen.

This Joker is much darker than the other versions of the Joker. Unlike other versions who just wants to piss of Batman or crack jokes and be funny, this Joker really kills people in such a brutal way, he also tortures people not only physically, but also both mentally and personally. He wants to watch the world burn and wants to prove that everybody is just as crazy as he is. Unlike other versions of the Joker who wants to "make" everybody just as crazy as he is by using some sort of laughing gas or hypnotism to make others crazy. This version of the Joker believes that everyone deep down really is just as crazy as he is and he doesn't care how many people he kills in order to prove it.

Though he doesn't have any superpowers, wealth or high technology like some other villains. He did so much more compare to other villains in just a single movie. He manage to put Gotham in chaos, made them kill each other, was able to troll batman, the police and the Mafia so many times. He also gave birth to another villain in the movie, by turning Harvey Dent into Two face and he did it a few minutes where other villains has to wait years in order to corrupt someone really good.

Also the Joker basically won in the series since at the end of the movie the people of Gotham now hates him, so Joker manage to prove that the people of Gotham are also crazy. besides if you think about it there's actually no way that he could've lost in any way no matter what the outcome.

Therefore, being crazy, manipulative and infinitely versatile I think the Joker is a definite candidate to be called the "Best Villain"

Palpatine a.k.a Darth Sidious from Star Wars

Palpatine or otherwise known as Darth Sidious as his Sith name, is the main villain of the entire Star Wars Trilogya as well as its Prequels.

He is a master manipulator, the one who is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Palpatine orchestrated a war that killed trillions of lives all in order to kill his hated Jedi foes and take over the entire galaxy.

Palpatine is one of the few villains who actually succeeds in obtaining his goal, since he manage to kill the Jedi's, corrupt Annakin, and take over the galaxy through his own manipulation all while he pretends to be weak tea drinking old politician whose goal is the peace of the entire galaxy.

Palpatine is perhaps the only villain(as far as I know), who manage to fool an entire galaxy for such a long time despite the heroes efforts to unravel the mysteries behind his plans. The Jedi only a had a tiny suspicion towards him, and even in the end they wouldn't have figured it out if hadn't told it himself, and that only because its already time for his endgame. The Jedi's have already been checkmated and they didn't even know about it. Oh and as for his plan the reason that I didn't bother trying to explain it is because it would be too long and complicated.

Therefore, managing to defeat his foes, corrupt the hero of the story, deceive and took over the galaxy all through manipulation, not to mention to gloat about it. I think Palpatine is an excellent candidate to be called as the  "Best Villain".

Loki of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Loki the God if Mischief is perhaps one of the most manipulative villain of all time, having manage to deceive Asgard, The Avengers, Frost Giants, SHIELD and perhaps more others in the future.

He is currently the most recurring antagonists of the Marvel Cinematic Universe being the main antagonists of the first Thor film and The Avengers, but has a less villainous role in Thor: The Dark World.

He has still so much potencial as a villain, he is so good at manipulating others that no one can really say what's he gonna do next. He has fooled both villains and heroes already. He also makes people crazy if he still redeemable or not despite all the things he did.

Aside from being an excellent manipulator he also has quite an ego, willing to kill an entire race just to prove that he is a worthy king and enslaving all the people on Earth in order to be the King he was.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Nazi's of Anime

There appears to be a lot of villains that are inspired from Nazis and most of them are really evil but in this blog i will just mention 3 notable villains that is or at least appears to be inspired from Nazi ideologies

First is the Major from Hellsing as he's a straight Nazi, though much worst than even Hitler himself, the guy is without a doubt pure evil, after proving himself  more evil than any human alive he didn't stop there, he organized an army of made of vampire, zombies, werewolves and mad scientists in order to burn all of europe, unlike most villains he really has no desire to take over the world or gain a certain power, he just want a good war, he's like Joker and Hitler mixed into one. throughout the series he not only proved himself more evil than every human in the series but even more evil than vampires, ghouls, zombies, mad scientists, werewolves, corrupt politicians and other evil creatures. Another impressive thing about the Major is despite him being the boss of a grand evil army filled with powerfull creatures, he himself has no fighting capability, he can't even use a gun. the reason that he's the boss is because he's evilness is so charismatic and it attract all the other evil creatures towards him.

Now let us move on, to our next Nazi like villain.

Juha Bach, the current main antagonists of the Bleach and probably its Final Antagonists, he has since replaced Aizen as the main antagonists and is doing a pretty good job, since he killed more people than Aizen ever did, owned Souls Society and even killed Yamamoto Genryusai.

He's nazi-likeness can be seen throughout the series, first the name of his Empire is Vandenreich similar to Hitler's Third Reich, their weapons, suits, logo and even some name are german or german like, he is cruel and kills his pawns when they fail him, so for me that's enough to consider him to be a very Nazi like villain and he's just getting started.

Johan Liebert from the Monster series and the actual titular "Monster of the show. Johan Liebert throughout the series proves that he's more dangerous than even the Nazi's by targeting, tracking and killing them, something that many people couldn't do. Johan Liebert is the Ultimate Mind Manipulator in that he can convince anyone to his bidding from them commiting suicide, killing each other and dedicating themeselves to him. the Nazis are not the only one's that are not safe from him the Mafia also learned that he is not to be messed with.

Johan is actually a product of the Nazi's, in a project where they plan to create supersoldiers, unfortunately for them, Johan surpassed their expectations and eventually even them.

Notable Manhwa Villains

Dr Crombel of Noblesse
A Mad Scientists and also a bonafide Manipulative Bastard as well as a Magnificent Bastard.

Dr.Crombell works for a mysterious organization known as The Union, a huge organization that controls the world from behind the scenes, Dr. Crombel is one of their top scientists in creating human enhanced weapons, in other words human experiments, and he loves his job. Dr. Crombel also secretly works behind The Union's back in order to achieve his own as of yet unknown purpose, and that's the only reason that he's working for them, he already masterminded the death of some of its high members all for his own benefits. currently the main heroes appears to be more powerful than him and smarter, but he's catching up.

The Union in Noblesse
Is the organization that Dr. Crombel works for, its an evil organization that controls the world behind the scenes. It has no regards whatsoever for human life and conducts several human weapons, just one of this experiments costs lots of life as the failed ones either die from experiments or are executed later on. they enslave nations and everyone working for them. they're willing to destroy nations, without a second thought. their conspiracies dates back since human societies were in their earliest development, they have conspired with both traitorous nobles and werewolves alike all for their as of yet unknown goal.

Sang Man Duk
Personally he isn't that really much impressive yet, but he's the most recurring antagonists of the series, and is a high rank in an organization filled with dangerous fanatics, he has recently survive from the Monkey King, and is currently manipulating South Korea through politics, he mights still have a few tricks and plans up his sleeves.

Mastema of Soul Cartel
The archdevil Mastema, from Soul Cartel is already an amazing villain, he is manipulative, brilliant and create plans that has layers and layers of back up plan.

Mastema is responsible for the creation of the gateways in the underworld, unlike other archdevil who likes fighting, Mastema likes games, he also quite sadistic as he enjoys watching his prey suffer. therefore although he is one of the most powerfullest being in existence he prefers to have an intellectual match rather than a direct confrontation. Mastema's goal is to have a match with God and he plans to accomplish this by corrupting Faust in which Mastema is confident that he can achieve.

Gairon in Soul Cartel

First of all he's the first Pluto, meaning a demon who has survived in fighting all archangels and archdevils, and so he's pretty powerful. Second, despite being a powerful demon he prefers now to be a a businessman, albeit a businessman who sell souls for a living, and he's being good at it, he's company now sell so many souls for demons that all the other companies in his line of business are already a non factor, there's not even a competition anymore. Third. He's an excellent schemer, he already manage to manipulate the witches, demons and recently even an archdevil just to do his bidding so he's really good at what he does.

My First Top Ten Villains of Anime and Mangga

10. Lelouch Vi Britannia
Though not entirely a villain and more of a Tragic Hero. Lelouch, I believe deserves to be in this lists.
Although he has good intentions, hedid some pretty despicable(and badass) things throughout the series. After obtaining a power known as Geass, which gave him the ability ability to command anyone to his will ,he takes on the identity of Zero and initiated a rebellion against Holy Empire of Britannia, the world's most dominant superpower.

The reason that I put him on this list is because, the war that he caused killed thousands if not millions of people, and he knows it yet he didn't stop. Even when he knows that his friends and family's could get involved, he still didn't stop his war. He also considers his followers as nothing more but pawns, all just because of his won personal vendetta against his father. though of course his number 10 in this least because he does care about his family and friends and tries his best to protect them throughout the series. He also eventually realized he's own immaturity and redeemed himself at the end because if not, otherwise he might have been higher on this lists.

9.Light yagami
Though he can be considered to be actually an Anti-Hero or an Tragic Hero like Lelouch, he can be considered to be the actual Big Bad of the story due to him being the mastermind behind it all(though some would argue that it’s actually Ryuk).
First of all Light Yagami is a genius, but after finding a mysterious notebook known as the Death Note which has the ability to kill anyone whose name is written on it. Light graduates from a genius into an Evil Genius. After confirming the power of the Death Note by killing two criminals, Light decided to create a new world free of crime and become its God. He decides to do this by killing every single criminal on the planet, and as you know criminals ain’t few, therefore Light killed thousands if not millions of people.
The reason that he is above lelouch is that he didn’t even tried to redeem himself at the end, he doesn’t even care about his family anymore and really considers himself to be a God, also he didn’t even bother if the criminals he killed were all truly guilty or was actually innocent, he even killed he’s very own first friend since he’s the biggest threat to his plans and never once considered letting him live. He also doesn’t care about the women who had affections for him and considers them as nothing more but tools to his plans
Cold, Ruthless and Brilliant Light Yagami deserves a spot for number 9.

8.Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha is basically the main antagonists of the entire Naruto Shippudden franchise, being the true founder of akatsuki and the one whi manipulated both pain/nagato and obito/tobi. He is also the one who formulated the Infinite Tsukoyomi Plot, where the entire world would be under his illusionary jutsu.
Like Lelouch and Light Yagami Madara actually has good intentions, he wants peace but believes there is actually no such thing, and peace can only be achieve through his illusionary world. The reason that he is above both Light and Lelouch is that he is more persistent than the two of them put together, since he is supposed to be long dead and yet manages to find a way to live up to more than probably a hundred years and when he finally died he already commenced a plan in order for him to be revived through his pawns.
Madara is also one of the most patient and calculating villains ever with his plans going through ages before its completions, and ruining countless lives along the way.

Though unlike Lelouch, Light and Madara our next contenders seems to have no interests in peace, whatsoever.

7. Yami Bakura/Zork/thief King Bakura
Yami Bakura is the most recurring antagonist of the first Yu-Gi-Oh series and since the series alone is filled with lots of evil villains, I think Bakura deserves to be in the Top 7 for outliving and outsmarting most of them.

He just never seems to go away and is always there one way or another and is willing to work with the current Big Bad in order to further his own goal, he eventually became the Final Villain of the story when it is revealed that he is actually Zork himself, the God of Darkness, yes Yami Bakura is the very embodiment of darkness. Yami Bakura’s goal throughout the series is to collect all seven millennium items, though he himself is actually not sure why at the beginning. Eventually everything became clear to him when he’s own memories as Zork finally return. After finally completing all seven millenim items and becoming Zork once more, he then switched his goal into something else and that is to destroy the world.

6. Gyouken Ren
The only reason that Ren Gyouken is number 6  is because we don't know that much about her yet, but that could very well change in the future. For now I think she deserve a mention here as number 6.


Ren Gyouken is both the current emperror of Kou Empire and leader of Al Tharmen. She became the Emperror of the Kou Empire by becoming the wife of the first and second emperor of the Kou Empire, who are brother and whom she both killed through Al Tharmen. Being the leader of the Kou Empire and Al Tharmen, she is responsible for the numerous wars caused by Kou Empire and the corruptions that are being done by Al Tharmen in different other nations including the slaughter of Judal's village as well as his corruption. She not only killed her own husbands, but also her own sons, resulting in Hakuryuu having a huge vendetta on her.
But perhaps the most surprising thing about Gyouken is that she is also a Magi. Gyouken is one of the three Magi of King Solomon, that is until she betrayed him. The details about her betrayal aren't all that clear yet, but Gyouken goal is to revive their so called "Father" which would result in the destruction of the world.
Cunning, ruthless, malicious, intelligent, powerfull and highly manipulative Gyouken, for now gets the number 6 spot in this list.

5. Juha Bach
I was very tempted to put Aizen here, but in the end I decided to put Juha Bach, the Quincy King and the current main antagonists as well probably being the final villain of the story.
The reason that I put Juha Bach here instead of Aizen is because he manage to destroy Soul Society in like only 20 chapters after he was first introduced , he also killed more lives, including Yamamoto Genryuasai, after he stole his bankai that made him powerless and then cutting him into half until he finally blasts him into atoms. He’s also the one responsible for the death of Ichigo and Ishida’s mom’s. that being said he seems to still have few more up his sleeves  and is just getting started.

4. Blackbeard
Blackbeard of the One Piece series gets the number four spot in my list of Top Anime Villains. He fooled the World Government, the supposed main antagonists of the series, he was the one responsible for killings Ace and Whitebeard, stole Whitebeards power, released the world’s most dangerous criminals, wreck havoc in Marineford and he did it all almost simultaneously while teasing the top dogs of the Marines.
He also has recently became a Yonkou and is currently wreaking havoc all over the world while stealing other Devil Fruit user’s power

3. Naraku
Naraku the main antagonists of the Inuyasha series, get the spot for number 3 in my Anime Villain Lists.

He is the Big Bad of the series and a definite Magnificent Bastard for ruining the lives of nearly every single character in the series

Heroes and villains are all victims of his treacherous and cruel plans. He makes siblings fight each other, makes curse that destroys not  only whole families but whole generations, manipulates demons, disposes of them and many more( seriously I’d like to write all his crimes but it would be too long).
Naraku is actually a bit different from most villains in that he doesn’t have any real grand ambition like taking over the world, he just want to complete the jewel and corrupt it, he plans to accomplish this by ruining countless lives and uses them to completely corrupt the jewel, though at first he want to be a full demon and when he finally became a fool demon he just wants to use it to increase his power, he finally reveal at the end that he has no real plans for the jewel after its completion aside from wanting to have kikyo,whom he killed three times, yes that’s right he killed, tortured, manipulated and ruined many lives all because he just want the damn jewel for a very simple and twisted wish, therefore he gets number three.

2. Johan Liebert
Johan Liebert the main antagonists of the Monster series, and the actual “Monster” of the series, gets the number 2 in my Anime Villains List.
Its easy to easy why he is evil, first of all unlike the others in this list, he is actually a human, therefore he has no superpowers like others and yet he still very dangerous due to his mind. All Johan have to do is talk to you, and before you know it in a few minutes you want to commit suicide, but that’s nothing since as a boy he killed an entire room of people and as an adult he’s planning an entire town all because he wants to create the Ultimate Suicide.
Having no powers and yet still fools a lot people including the police agencies, military and even the Nazi’s. Johan gets the spot of number 2.

1. Major
Major of Hellsing for me is the most evil villain of all and the number 1 in my Anime Villain Lists.
Major relishes war, destruction, chaos, torture, you name it as long as its evil he likes it. The guys does it all because he doesn’t like war, he loves it, he even has a speech about it. He even enjoys the sight of his own men being killed right before his eyes, he has an army of zombie, vampires, werewolves, supersoldiers and mad scientists, yet he’s more evil than all of them put together. As a matter of fact the supposed good guy that Major opposes is Dracula himself, yes Dracula compared to the Major is a very good guy.
Unlike some villains he actually died knowing he killed his nemesis and that he finally manage to hit someone with a gun(he’s very bad shot, and therefore can’t kill anyone personally), Major died smiling saying that it was a good war, in the end he draw he’s last breath satisfied with all the carnage he manages to caused. This in my opinion makes him the number one villain.

Honorable mentions:

Undertaker of Kuroshitsuji
Since he is currently throlling both Sebastian, Ciel and the shinigami’s all whie unleashing a horde of zombies because he just wants to see what happends after the cinematic record ends

Grifith of berserk
I believe he deserves a mentioned but I don’t know much about him, and his crimes involves rape and that personally disgusts me so maybe I wont try to know more about him, but I heard he’s really evil.

Dr. Crombel from noblesse
though actually a manhwa villain, I think he desereves a mention since he is also a magnificent bastard and a Mad Scientists.
Dr. Crombel works for a mysterious organization known as The Union, a mysterious organization that practically controls the world from behind the scenes and conducts human experiment, Crombel is one of their top scientists in human eexperiments and he loves he’s job, but that not all, although Crombel is working for The Union he is secretly trying to take it over from behind their back, he has lots of spies witihin The Union that is completely loyal to him and it appears that he’s been doing a lot from behind the scenes from such a long time already, he has recently become an Elder of The Union, the highest postion in The Union but he has no plans to share The Union with others and is currently plotting to be its sole leader all while pretending that he is just a harmless obedient scientists, he’s also quite powerfull capable of taking on Frankeinstein and coming out with nothing but a little wound in the neck.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Loki's Villainous Career So Far

Loki the God of Mischief


I must admit that I didn't really know much about Loki when I first saw him during the first Thor film, I thought that the story would be just like the usual, some Big Bad the Frost Giants and their leader Laufey will cause war then they will have to defeat it and tada end of story.Loki however really made it all so interesting, he really wasn't evil at the start, he's just a trickster. But after finding out about that he's actually a Frost Giant he moves on from being a Trickster into a Manipualtive Bastard and takes center stage as the true Big Bad of the film.

Loki's first act of villainy is to trick his vanished brother Thor that their father is already dead and its all because of him. Next he manipulated the Frost Giants and their king Laufey(his true father) that he will assist them in eliminating Odin in exchange for him being the sole King, but when Laufey finally manage to get close into killing Odin, surprise!Loki came and killed Laufey his own father in order to appears that he is Odin's saviour and that he chose Odin over his true family while he actually masterminded it all.

Getting rid of Laufey and Thor is already impressive but Loki's not done yet. Tthe Frost Giants themselves know that he's behind it all and is still Asgards enemy so Loki decides to kill two birds in one stone by killing of the entire race and this is the part where Thor came to stop him and unfortunately for Loki, Thor suceeded After realizing that he's father would never really approved of his method Loki decides to let himself fell into the abyss, so bye Loki nice meeting you......................then surprise Loki is alive and is actually controlling Dr Selvig in Earth and is therefore just getting started with his villainy.


Before I talk about what he did in the Avengers, I must say Loki really surprised me in the first Thor film. first of all I haven't really even heard of him. so I was really surprised how much of an amazing villain he is, he's like the Scar(from Lion King) of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He's patient, treacherous, ruthless and intelligent, yet there is something about him that makes you feel sorry about him, I was actually cheering for Loki when he's finally trying to prove himself as the rightful king. Then after watching it I began searching for his character and I found that he's comic book character is somehow really different than his film version, its more powerfull and though I still like the film version, probably because of Tom Hiddleston's great acting, or probably because Loki in the film is a more complicated character in that he makes you feel that he is still redeemable despite all the evil things that he did.

Now let us move on to what he did in the Avengers.


Loki eventually returns in the Avengers, as the main antagonists and more eviler than ever, this time however Loki is not alone and is backed by an allien army known as the Chituari, which he plans to use in order to take over Earth. But first he needs a powerful item known as the Tesseract in order to teleport them to Earth in order to start his war.

Loki starts his war with Earth by manipulating Dr. Selvig into opening a portal to Earth using the Tesseract which is S.H.I.E.L.D's hands. When Loki succesfully gets to Earth he immediately kills the S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers and mind controlling some of them with his new scepter. He then proceeds to take the Tesseract from Nick Fury and manages to get a way from the S.H.I.E.L.D  as he hatches he's next scheme for world domination.

Throughout the film it is revealed that Loki has a mysterious ally, known as The Other and his Master whom provided Loki with his army in the first place. After being threatened if he were to fail Loki becomes more determined than ever to see to it that he suceeds. he then proceeds to commence a fake attack and make himself be caught first by Iron Man and Captain America then by his own brother Thor after he return to Earth in order to bring Loki back, eventually they fight over him before finally stopping and decided to bring Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D as a prisoner. however it is revealed that Loki himself is the diversion and that his plan is to use the Hulk against them, Black Widow did figure this out though its already pretty much too late when s. Eventually Loki was freed by his own men and even manage to kill Agent Coulson before making his escape.

 Unfortunately Loki's actions led the Avengers to join together since they now all have common goal and decides to finally work together more efficiently in order to defeat the God of Mischief.
It all finally comes down to the Final showdown between The Avengers and Loki with his army as they stormed the city of New York. After a long battle Loki is finally beaten by the team, after being pummeled by the Hulk. He is then captured and returned to Asgard where he will pay for his crimes against humanity. Afterwards its is later revealed that Loki's mysterious other ally and Master of The Other as well as the Chituari army is actually Thanos who simply smiles after hearing Loki's defeat.


Loki in the Avengers is far more crueler than in his in the first Thor film, seen as he is very well capable of killing people and enjoying it. He is also crazier, planning to take over Earth all for his own ego.In the first Thor film Loki acts like a traitorous prince while in the Avengers he acts like an exiled prince trying to have his own kingdom. Although Loki is an amazing villain in The Avengers there is something really different now, its like he's the real Bid Bad and is just a pawn in a much larger scheme. This all finally becomes clear with the appearance of Thanos, who is the true mastermind behind the invasion as he is the one who gave Loki his army, the scepter and his knowledge about the Tesseract. Yet despite it all Loki still has a chance to be the Big Bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, first he already had a more personal impact with the Avengers, second he appears to have no intention at all in being loyal to Thanos, third Loki is still alive at the end of the film and could still be threat in the future.


Loki immediately becomes a prisoner at the beginning of the film, the films explored more of Loki's relationship with his family. His continuous envy and hatred for Thor, he's admiration and hatred for his father and finally it showed that he still have person whom he might have loved and trusted, his adoptive mother  Frigga. It shows Loki does still love his mother and she still loves him back, as a matter of fact Frigga was the reason why Loki was just imprisoned and wasn't executed despite his crimes. Frigga even makes sure that Loki's prison is comfortable and brings him books to read. When Loki claims that Odin is not his father, Frigga asks if she is also not his mother and Loki answered her with a "no", though it seems that the real answer is "Yes you are my mother".

Things started going wrong when Malekith and his Dark Elves started invading Asgard in order to get the Aether(which is inside Jane Foster, whom Thor brought in Asgard). The invasion didn't end well for Asgard and for Loki, because Asgard was left destroyed and Frigga, the only person who could've change Loki was killed. After hearing the news of Frigga's death, Loki is clearly in rage. So when Thor offered him the chance for revenge Loki gladly accepts.

After finally escaping Asgard along with Thor and Jane Foster, with the help of the Warriors Three. Loki and Thor begins their confrontation with Malekith. With Thor and Loki succesfully managing to deceive Malekith and take the Aether away from Jane Foster, though, failing in destroying the Aether and preventing Malekith from obtaining it. Loki and Thor then begins to face Malekith's forces with Loki suceeding in killing some of Malekith men, and Thor being cornered by Algrim.

Unfortunately for Thor, Algrim now being a Kurse is too much for him. Loki manage to save Thor by stabbing Algrim at the back. But Algrim then pushed Loki towards him, stabbing him, Loki gets the last laugh before dying by revealing that he actually implanted a bomb behind Algrim killing him before finally dying in Thor's arms.

Although as always with Loki, things are not always what they seems to be. After Malekith's defeat Thor tells Odin that he no longer wish to inherit the throne but rather wants to protect the Earth, Odin then agreed and allows Thor to leave Asgard. After Thor said "Thank you, Father", he then finally leaves Asgard. As Thor leaves, Odin starts laughing and says "No, Thank you" before finally revealing that he is actually Loki and not Odin, finally obtaining the throne that he long desires.


Well at first, it seems that Loki somehow finally softens up in this film, due to his affections with his mother Frigga. He also has a less villainous role being more like an Anti-Hero rather than being a villain. He not only helps Thor defeat Malekith but even saved his life and actually kept his word that he won't betray him as well as somehow proved that Thor can trust him by finally sacrificing himself in order to save Thor.

Or at least that's what he wants others to believe, my goodness, he just doesn't stop. In the end Loki proves that he's still a hardcore manipulative villain and is not done yet by showing he now has the throne of Asgard, and seems to have done something with Odin or maybe even killed him. and now he seems to be much more dangerous than ever, now that the only person who could've change him, Frigga, is dead. Loki is far from done with his schemes.